
The Road of Harmony Between Human And Nature

The Qinghai Tibet Plateau is one of the most vulnerable areas in China ecological environment at an average elevation of 4,000 meters, which is also one of the top priority regions of the "global biodiversity conservation" determined by WWF. Whether it would affect the nature reserves and wildlife if built Qinghai Tibet railway? Whether it will impact on plateau lakes, wetlands ecosystem? Whether it will impact on plateau and alpine vegetation? Whether they would affect the permafrost environment? Whether they would affect the natural landscape along the route?

These five questions are grasping the global attention. No matter which one appears a mistake will cause irreparable consequences to the climate and ecological of the Qinghai Tibet plateau in China, even in southeast Asia.

“Environmental protection construction is not a burden of us, but historical responsibility of us”, every one from decision-makers to builders have such a consensus.

Environmental protection always be the first before the project started. The Qinghai Tibet railway will always carry out environmental protection principle through the planning to design.
Qinghai Tibet railway construction headquarters commander Huangdi fu said that creatively established the Qinghai Tibet railway construction, construction, engineering supervision, supervision of environmental protection "four to one". Environmental management system which is introduced of environmental supervision in the construction of large project in China.
Entrust a third party for the Qinghai Tibet railway across the whole environmental monitoring, "let the third eye supervise us".

Strict and scientific management measures makes Qinghai Tibet railway has become a model for Chinese key environmental protection projects: it’s first signed the environmental responsibility book with provincial area passed; the first time build wild animal migratory corridor construction, and the first successful planting turf transplantation in high altitude area......

The latest announcement this year shows the Audit Commission released arrangement and implementation of environmental measures related to invest 1540000000 yuan in building units of the Qinghai-Tibet railway, accounted for 4.6% of the total project investment in March. Such a Environmental protection input is the unique in the history of the construction of China and even the world railway.It’s the first train to Tibet,of which considerable environment.

