
Some questions about Qinghai Tibet railway

The Qinghai-Tibet railway passenger train will be opened to traffic soon. With the disclosure of information about the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, the questions that passengers have been worried about are gradually exposed. Now let us to see what kind of trip the train will give visitors on earth.
1. Melting of the frozen soil: Whether it endangers the train or not?
The frozen soil layer in the snowy plateau thaw back, has always been a difficult problem facing the Qinghai-Tibet Railway construction. The data shows that with the acceleration of global warming, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau permafrost freezing duration was shortened and the maximum depth of frozen soil decreases. And the situation is getting worse.
In order to solve the problem, the construction has taken the following measures: For complex geological area, line should avoid as far as possible; For unstable permafrost regions with high ice content geology, build bridge instead of road; Using ventilated embankment, rubble ventilated embankment, hot rods , the laying of insulation and other new technologies, new materials, new processes to maintain the temperature of permafrost, slow down melting speed and improve the stability of permafrost roadbed. Thus the safety of railway engineering ensured. In addition, long-term monitoring will be brand to the frozen soil roadbed, vegetation restoration and landscape change and weather along the railway after the railway put into operation. So that all the adverse effects suffered by the Qinghai-Tibet Railway will be prevented and eliminated in time.
2. Alpine hypoxia: Whether the passengers will have a headache?
In the plateau area which is more than 3000 meters above sea level, people will feel headache, dizziness and other high altitude reaction. Train to Tibet also faces the problem. Less than one hour after the train leaving Golmud, passengers will exposure to a typical Tibetan environment. The air is getting thinner with the motion of the train. And the oxygen content in the air is only half as much as the plains.

To solve the problem of passenger plateau hypoxia, Qinghai-Tibet Railway passenger train pioneered the oxygen supply system, using the combination of dispersed and distributed mode. It will make passengers feel better because they can inhale enough oxygen.
3. Fragile environment: Will the clear water and blue sky be kept?
The original ecological environment of the Tibetan Plateau has a special status in the world, alpine, unique, original and fragile ecological environment in the region is a significant feature. The relevant departments of the state have conducted a special study of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau climate, environment, species and ecosystem. According to the study, some environmental targets have been made below: to ensure that the Qinghai-Tibet Railway permafrost environment remains stable, the river water is not contaminated, soil erosion protection effective, effective protection of the plateau vegetation, wild animal migratory freedom and railway landscape is not destroyed. All these measures play a good role in protecting the fragile environment in Tibet.

    In a word, the railway can make you have a better understanding of Tibet. And the spirit of “green” will be totally shown in front of you.

