
A day around the Bakhor Street.

The smoke from incense is everywhere and over the sacred shrine with its divine smell. The holy temple (Jokhang) was crowded with men and women in traditional costume with strong faith and belief. Sounds of murmuring mantras are in every mouth of faithful devotees to maintain peace and prosperity in humanity.

Moreover, the feeling of strong mental and physical actions of being a Buddhist is super clear if someone gives a glance to the crowd, where many are doing the whole day prostration at main entrance and some are even doing the prostration around the holy temple that takes almost two hours to finish one circle. Then the rest, spinning the mantra wheels in their hand where one hand also spins prayer beads at the same time. Bakhor Street is the one that tells everything about Tibetans even by sitting at the corner and watching the spiritual movement.

Apart from the strong Buddhist activities, there are also some fantastic shopping centers for the travelers who like to buy original Tibet made things. On the left side of the main entrance, the Thangka shop (thangka means an oil painting on a clothe contains of god and goddess image and paint in Tibetan name) locates. They also provide some pure hand made Tibetan handicrafts as well. Rickshaw shops are along the Barkhor Street with various things selling where the shopkeepers are mostly Tibetans, smiling towards anyone come near to them. Still these things are bargain able stuffs.

Sweet milk tea is also so popular around the temple.

Briefly, one day around the temple is like spending two hours around some super market exploring the various things. Where there is so much to see, learn, feel and watch. Wondering around the sacred temple is top place for experiencing the local people in Tibet. 

