
Reservation Tibet train tickets in advance

Though booking train tickets online from the offical website of China Railway Company is very popular among Chinese travelers, it is nearly impossible for individual travelers to book a train ticket to Lhasa by this way. Because Tibet is an incredibly popular tourist destination in the world and the Qinghai-Tibet Railway is also a hot tourist railway, most train tickets are reserved by travel agencies.
The train tickets are usually sold out several days, the sleeper tickets in particular. Since travelers have to spend one or two night onboard, sleeper berth is the best choice. Thus, travelers are highly recommended to book the ticket at least ten days in advance if they plan to travel to Tibet by train. 
The best and secure way for foreign tourists to book Tibet train tickets is by using a reputable online travel agency, which will charge a service fee. Some travel agencies have an annual reservation from the ticket office, so they can get tickets much easier that others. But please be aware that not all travel agencies do like this and are reliable enough to guarantee the tickets. Tibet Travel Org has many years’ experience in organizing Tibet train tours for foreigners and also has a considerable anunnal train ticket reservation, so it is one of the most reliable agencies.  

The ticket offices always ask for a train ticket reservation plan from travel agencies and groups so as to manage the ticket reservation well. There are 3 kinds of plan: the annual plan to reserve the tickets for the coming year; the quarterly plan for the next 3 months, and the monthly plan for urgent reservation. Therefore, it is hard to guarantee the ticket if you book it less than 30 days before the departure day. The earlier booking, the more chance to get the tickets.

