
Pilgrim Trek around Holy Mount Kailash

Mount Kailash, located in western Tibet, is renowned as a holy mountain in four religions, including Bon, Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism. Each of them has their own belief about this mount and considers it as an embodiment of their gods.  
According to the Tibetan Bon religion, the Kailash is a holy land that is consecrated by its founder Thonpa Shenrab Miwo. In Hinduism, Lord Shiva is the creator of the universe and Mount Kailash is his throne. In Jainism that is one of the ancient Indian religions, its founder Lord Rishabha is believed to have traveled to Mount Kailash to engage in his spiritual practices and gained liberation in front of Mount Kailash. According to Tibetan Buddhism, Mount Kailash is the retreat centre of Kagyupa Order started by the great Tibetan yogi Milarepa.
In Tibetan language, the Kailash is known as Gang Rinpoche which means “Precious Mountain”. Each year, especially in summer, thousands of believers make a pilgrimage trek around Kailash, following a tradition going back thousands of years. They believe that circumambulating this sacredm mountain on foot is a holy ritual that will bring good fortune. The peregrination is made in a clockwise direction by Hindus and Buddhists. Followers of the Jainism and Bon religion circumambulate the mountain in a counterclockwise direction. For ordinary trekkers, walking in the clockwise direction is OK.  
This Tibet trekking tour is one of the most demanding and challenging of in the world. The trek starts at a small village knowns Darchen, then opens up unending stretches of barren land, lush green valleys, snow capped peaks and pristine blue lakes, winding past Mani walls and skirting the base of the Kailash massif. It takes two or three days to finish this 56km trekking. Simple accommodation and food are available on the trail.
If you are just interested in a trek at remote areas, not in religions, you can also do other treks in Tibet, like trek from Tingri to Everest Base Camp, or trek to Namtso Lake. No matter which route you choose, do select the right time to do it. Generally speaking, the best season to trek in Tibet is in spring and autumn which are respectively from April to May and August to October. During these times there is no rain that will make you sick and it’s not too hot to walk in the wildness of Tibet.  

